I say it all the time.. breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I usually have eggs for breakfast because A) Eggs are a typical breakfast food packed with protein B) I like eggs C) They’re quick and easy to make.
The downfall about eating eggs every morning is that I get bored of eating the same thing over and over again. Even though this recipe calls for the same ingredients I typically eat each morning, I use them a bit differently in this jazzy egg recipe to make them taste unique.
I love bacon, but I can get sick of eating it plain every morning. For this recipe, I cut up the turkey bacon up into smaller pieces so that it can mix in with the other ingredients to give a more subtle flavor.
When the bacon is starting to brown, add in two handfuls of fresh spinach and cook until it begins to wilt. Don’t be afraid to add lots of spinach because it cooks down so much! Believe it or not, the picture below is two full handfuls of spinach after it cooked for a few minutes.
After adding in the spinach, turn the burner on low and let simmer while you prepare the eggs. In a separate bowl, lightly whisk together 5 eggs with about a tbs of water. The water helps create more fluffy eggs. I used 5 eggs because I was making breakfast for two. Feel free to adjust the quantity to fit your own needs. Pour the egg mixture over top of the bacon and spinach and stir frequently to scramble the eggs.
Add in seasonings of your choice while you’re scrambling the ingredients together. For this particular recipe, I like using salt and pepper, red pepper flakes, and onion powder. The flavors taste AMAZING together! Trust me, you won’t be disappointed! To finish it off, I top the eggs with a small tomato that I chop up. Enjoy!

- 5 eggs
- 3 slices turkey bacon
- 2 handfuls baby spinach
- 1 small tomato, chopped
- salt
- pepper
- onion powder
- red pepper flakes
- 1. Cut up turkey bacon into small pieces. Spray large pan with nonstick cooking oil and brown bacon.
- 2. Add in spinach and cook on low until spinach leaves are wilted.
- 3. In a separate bowl, lightly whisk together 1 tbs water with 5 eggs. Pour eggs over bacon and spinach and raise heat to medium.
- 4. Stir ingredients together frequently to scramble the eggs. Add in salt, pepper, onion powder, and red pepper flakes to taste.
- 5. Top with chopped tomatoes to serve.