Black Bean Spaghetti

For all you slow carb/low carb/ gluten free/ etc. eaters out there who are ex-carbaholics like myself, this is an amazing find that I am super excited about – black bean spaghetti!

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Yes, it’s true.  This is real. At first I was skeptical.  I figured the bulk of the spaghetti would be made of black beans but then other random ingredients would be added in as well that would include things I didn’t necessarily want to eat.  However, the beauty of this pasta is that the only ingredients are organic black beans and water.  Yay!

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You cook this spaghetti just like you would regular pasta.  I made the whole bag and it took about 7 minutes.  It comes out a little al dente and the taste and texture are similar to that of a whole wheat pasta. The bag says it contains about four servings.  However, considering it’s purely black beans, I found myself filling up very fast while eating and ate way less of this than I would have if it were regular spaghetti.  

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We topped ours with our homemade italian sauce recipe mixed with ground turkey meat to make a complete and balanced meal.  It was SO yummy and filling!

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I bought this at Whole Foods and I can’t wait to stock up again.  It was $3.99 (I think) for the bag, which is more than regular pasta, but still not crazy expensive by any means.  They also have a mung bean spaghetti there as well.  I can’t wait to try that flavor as well! 


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